Upload Content to Library

You can upload one or multiple files while managing the content library.

The following rules apply when uploading files:

To Upload Files:

  1. From the library, click . The Upload to Content Library screen displays.

    Note: Cancel closes the screen without uploading.

  2. You can drag and drop file from your computer into the content library or to select files click on either the blue Drag and drop files here section or Browse files.

    The Open screen displays. Only accepted file types display.

  3. Select the files to upload and click Open. The files begin uploading.

    You can click Cancel to cancel the upload; however, it will only cancel those files that have not completed uploading.

    Once the upload is complete, you return to the content library.

If you attempt to upload a file that exceeds the size limit, the system uploads all the files except the file that is too large. That file displays as an icon with an X and the text Remove File. When you hover over the icon a message indicates the file is too large.

If you attempt to upload more than 50 files, the system processes the first 50 files and then displays the remaining files with an X over the file and the text Remove File. When you hover over the file, a message indicates the file couldn’t be uploaded because you selected too many files.